Ok everyone, i have decided to do a fun giveaway. Here is how it will work. Between now and Thursday 12th July, you need to get to my site & make yourself a wishlist to the value of $50. On my birthday (12 July) I will draw a winner and announce them on my site and on my blog. That winner will receive $50's worth of my latest products from their list. If you put more on the list than the $50 I will choose for you, from the list. The giveaway includes anything from my 'Handmade Stationery' section which includes all of my latest ranges including, handmade cards, notepapers sets and bookmarks. Have fun choosing and be sure to leave me a comment or any suggestions you might have to make this more fun. Hope to hear from you all very soon. All the best for the draw.
- How to make a list -
To make a list, click on wish list, and click on 'set up your own registry'. Enter your details along with the shipping address you want your parcel sent to and make sure you choose private if you don't want your address seen by others. Be sure to put 12th July 07 as the event date so i know you are part of the giveaway. Then, browse away and add things to the registry that you would love to win. Have fun doing it and fingers crossed!!
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