Hello lovley friends, I am back from the Holy Land. I went over with my mother and my brother who booked last minute. It was fabulous to say the least. I will cherish the memories forever. I will attempt to write a brief description below each photo. We joined with a wonderful group of people from all over the world, from the US, Australia (us), New Zealand, Romania, Jordan, Cypress, Israel. What a bunch of people. I am in love with everyone of them and consider them my family. Anyway, I could literally write a book, but not so sure anyone would take the time to read it so will keep it brief for each pic below. I have been so flat out since I got back. It seems that everyone has saved starting a new website, needing new business cards, running out of my gift cards etc, just for when I got back. No complaints here though, it has been a blast. We have slotted very nicely back into schooling again too, and have had to make some tough decisions to ensure I don't give my work more attention than it is due. So I have now alloted times for work and times for everything else that needs to get done, spend time with and focus on. So I am pleased at least to have a plan in place. It is quiet time at our house and the two little ones are asleep while Liam is having his quiet time preparing dinner lol. He was playing but now has started to get the things out for Taco's for tea. Only 4 hours away lol. Anyway, thank you all for your lovely emails welcoming me home and asking about my trip. I will catch up with you all no doubt and look forward to talking to you soon.

Tel Beer Sheba National park (above and below)

Hard hat area!!

Camel riding in the wilderness of Kadesh Barnea. This is where the children of Israel came out of Egypt on their way to the promised land. We were 3km from the Egyptian border right there. We heard gun fire at night, and the border there is very porous. This was one of the highlights of my trip.

We stayed in Bedouin huts and ate off little tables on the floor. Slept on thin matresses and it was so incredible. We ate authentic middle eastern food (of course lol) and it was fantastic. Below was our first lunch soon after arriving, which was 'everyone put on the table what is in your bag and hopefully it will multiply'. And it did, each time we did it. Just like the 'Loaves and the Fishes'.

This was nearing the end of our time and was the flashy part of the tour. The less flashy one fell through so the entire group got to stay here for 3 nights and it was luxury in comparison. Just lovely and the food was amazing too.

These pics are of Masada. Long story with it but I will let you do the research if you are interested. The ruins are from King Herod (the infamous) and includes his palaces and fortress. Later used by Jewish families for refuge from the Romans which ended tragically. But will leave you to find out more.

This is the typical scene on the streets, just inside the Old City walls this was, and we made this route many times over the course of our stay. Just incredible.

Kadesh Barnea again around the campfire. Myself, brother Michael and Mama.

Myself and Mama on a rooftop over looking Jerusalem.

Sorry, lol, back to the camels in Kadesh Barnea. They are all out of order.

Ok, this is Mick and I at the Dead Sea. And below some of the boys floating in the Dead Sea. Mick on this side.

Ok treasures, be blessed in the precious name of Yahshua. Talk soon. ox
Welcome home Ali.
Sounds like a wonderful trip. Thank you for sharing it with us and enlightening us on some of history as well.
I don't know how you manage to fit homeschooling in with everything else that you do. You must be extremely organised
I'm not sure how to comment on this post Ali, I think there is so much more behind those photos, so much more you learnt and felt, but what a great post to get our minds working and let us research more into the places and history you visited.
Good on you for the new orders for your creative work and isn't it great you have worked out some sort of schedule to keep your family and work to a good balance
wow! how wonderful to have walked where Jesus walked. Love the photos. Hugs,Angelina
Welcome home Ali, so glad your trip was everything and more than you hoped it would be. What an amazing time you had and what incredible sites you saw. Glad to have you back all safe and well - and now for the fun of schooling and working again! (do you ever sleep?!) xox
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