Giveaway Post Below !!
This is my baby with her baby. Taken the other day when she fell asleep on my bed. I couldn't resist snapping her in this angelic state. What a darlin little princess she is. A real sweet heart. Her baby's name is Cherry and she goes everywhere our little one goes.
Don't they grow so fast, only two years ago I was announcing her arrival and already she is so grown up. She loves to sing and dance and is a real little girl.
It has been such a long time since I did a personal post. So I thought it was high

time I shared something personal. I guess my children are as good a place to start as any.
For anyone who knows me well knows, that my precious children are the apple of my eye. They are as dear to me as life itself. This year we made the decision to begin home schooling. With only my eldest son at school age, it was a good time to start. It has been somewhat of a challenge for me, battling between the life I had become accustomed to and the life I wanted to learn to love.
I started my Miss Ali's and before that a few years ago and used it as an outlet for my creativity. I have always created and sold my creations since I can remember. Even as a little one I used to have stalls out the front of our house, selling my books, coconuts or anything else i could find. I love to sell. Well, the other day I went outside to find my eldest son like this..... He had done the same thing. He had created bookmarks and had set up a stall at the front of our house. It was such a laugh and brought back memories of me. We of course all came out and purchased 2 bookmarks each, which then, he decided, left him short in variety, so asked for one of them back from each of us. So precious. Graciously the boy from next door also came and brought his little sister and purchased some also, very cute and such a lovely boost for our boy. He is saving his pennies as he is wanting to set up his own workshop downstairs. He is saving to buy a drill to start with. We have his money counted and written down and we are working towards his goal. He has done some little jobs for me today to earn some pocket money. He is a great little worker and not afraid to get stuck in. Just a lovely boy with a heart to please.

Well onto our middle son, such a joker and always making me laugh. This little one is the loud one of the family, boystrous in every way. Wakes up slowly and emerges into a loving little soul who is always ready for a cuddle and a book. Loves to read and sits for ages flicking through pages of his favourite books, which at this stage of life, includes Huckle and Lowly books. He is rough and tumble and a true boy.
Ok, I will end it there before it turns into a book. I plan to get more personal from now on and will try and make the time to stay in touch. Hope you are all well. I do often lurk without posting, so just because i haven't commented doesn't mean i haven't stopped by. I must make more time for blogging..... I must ...... I must. ox love to you all. Ali