Hello lovely friends and family. Sorry to take so long to announce our Princess. We welcomed Rachel Bethany into our hearts and family on Friday at 11.06am. We ended up going in on the Thursday night for an induction but nothing happened during the night, so in the morning my waters were broken and another two hours went by with still nothing. So with the threat of the syntocin drip I headed out to the stair well. Before long I was in the middle of 2 minutely contractions with which I waddled ever so slowly back to birth suite where I anticipated all sorts of interference. Thankfully they could tell I was in proper regular labour, so they left me to it. I hopped straight into the shower and stayed there till she slid out. From beginning to end of labour was 1 hour and 22 minutes. So it was intense and effective and ever so unfomfortable lol. But out she came all 7lb 9ozs of her. She is just delicious. She seems so very tiny and fragile and my other three kiddies seem so much bigger than they did only a few days ago. My husband has been such a blessing and has been getting in there holding the fort while I recover and spend time with our little one. He was fabulous during labour and came in the shower with me fully dressed mind you, and rubbed my back during each contraction and sprayed the warm water where it hurt most. It was very comforting knowing he was with me and I felt like it was a team effort this time. Treasured memories for sure. Ok well, so pleased to have the labour and birth behind us now as we look forward to our future with our ever growing family. Blessings to you all as you embrace what each days brings to your families. Much love to you all. ox Ali