Matt and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary a few weeks back. I will tell you just how far he went to spoil me and make me feel so special. Ladies you may want to show this post to your man.
I awoke the morning of our anniversary to breakfast in bed. I then proceeded out to the living area where I was handed an envelope. It was like a deja vu. The last time he handed me an envelope, it contained an itinery for the day which included tickets to Melbourne leaving a few hours later, to stay with my good friend Natasha Burns lol. I hadn't met Tash before in person, so my husband and her had conspired together to send Gracie (a few months old at the time) and myself to meet her all the way in Melbourne. I live in Nth Queensland. Anyway back to the Anniversary. So that was running through my mind when he handed me this envelope. I sat there and looked at him and said 'what have you been up to'. He just smiled and told me to open it. This is what it contained.

And the next page said. 'Have a fabulous day and remember, you will need to be home by 5pm for the next part of your special day.'
Then it had two maps inclosed for me to find my way around the city to the selected shops.
So To cut a very long story short, i did all those things and was pampered and got home and ready by 5.30pm. Before long a limo came up my drive way to pick me up. I hopped in the limo and no one was in there with me. No hubby. So where was I going? Who knew?
The limo took me to the park I was married in 10 years earlier. And who do you think was waiting for me there? You guessed it. My very special and thoughtful husband. He opened my door and took me by the hand. He then walked me down the aisle again to the same music on our special day. We walked up into the gazebo in Anzac park where we had signed our lives away to each other before God Almighty 10 years before.
When we reached the top of the gazebo there was a table, all laid with roses, and the works. Matt had hired to chefs to prepare a three course meal for us for the evening. Just him and me in a park at night. (and of course the chefs lol). How romantic is he? We then went back to the limo and we ended up at the motel we spent our first night in as husband and wife. Even had chosen the exact same room. We got there and when i walked in i was so overwhelmed. There were rose petals everywhere. (see below)

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