Well lovlies, we are off for a little family holiday at long last. Hubby decided a few weeks back that it was time for the long anticipated holiday back to my native country. We leave next week and won't be back till end of November. Can't wait for all the bonding that we will do as we campervan through this incredible and rugged country, both Islands.
Our home for the next month.

So I plan to close my website this week and won't be reopening till end of November. Last orders that will be processed before I leave need to be in by tomorrow 5 October 08 to enable me time to complete them.
So take care everyone, and I will be back online in about 6 weeks or so. Take care all and be safe. ox Ali
Hey Ali,
I am so envious of you, 6 weeks back home, what bliss. Have a great time & take heaps of photos for me.
Love lyn xoxoxoxo
Hi Ali,
Oh...I hope you have a wonderful holiday and please take heaps of pics to share with us!
Siobhan xo
Hi Ali,
Have a wonderful time while you are away. See you when you return, stay safe.
Sarah xxx
Hye Ali, Sorry to hear you had an accident with your foot too...we both must be really out of it lol!
Get well soon and have a wonderful holiday.
Have a wonderful well deserved holiday, look forward to a full report on your return!
Hey there Gorgeous gal!!
Hope you have a FAB break!!
oooh sweetie i missed you before you left. Well i hope you all have a great break away. You sooo deserve it. My hubby is from New Zealand too. We stayed up in the Bay of Islands for our Honeymoon...ahhhh it was so beautiful.
Oh now im thinking about Pinkie bars and Buzz Bars...Yummmy
Shann xo
Hi Ali I have been away and missed out on news of your wonderful holiday. Hope you are all having a great time
Hey Ali,
Long time no hear, hows the holiday going Sweet. I have left you an award so hop over to my blog when you have time to have a look.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday
Lyn xoxoxo
great blog some how i found you when i was researching things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia and other complications. i wish you nothing but the best. I was also wondering if there is anyway if i put your link on my site if you would be able to return the favor and add my ink on your sight, i again wish you the best.
what a wonderful family... in new zealand, the country of my dreams.
please add a translator to your blog.
see you
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