Hello lovely blogging friends. I am finally back from our month or so over in New Zealand. We had a wonderful time together for the most part. We laughed often and enjoyed having each others company. We managed to enjoy Queenstown while it was snowing up at Coronet Peak. That was the first time we had been in the snow while it was actually snowing. Aparently they had a cold snap while we were there. But really heated up a few days before we came home, just to prepare us for our hot and humid weather here. Oh boy, we came home and were asking ourselves why we choose to live in Townsville. I really start to wonder. I am very thankful for our air conditioning and wouldn't like to go back to no escape from the heat. I have added some photos for you to enjoy below of our trip.

Sorry for too many photos, will catch up with you all soon I am sure. I have an announcement to make also, but will start a new post for that. talk soon, Ali
Sounds like you had a fantastic time - a holiday too remember that's for sure!
I would love to got to New Zealand oneday, don't apologise for too many photos Ali, I would have liked to have seen more.
Welcome Home*******
Welcome back Ali!! So glad you all had such a wonderful holiday, the mountains look absolutely amazing, New Zealand certainly is a beautiful country!! - Hugs from Perth ~ Jen xo
Beautiful pictures. Welcome back!
Glad your back safe and sound, well you guys certainly look like you had a fantatsic break!! My parents are over in NZ as I type and are due back friday,cannot wait to see all their pictures it certainly is a gorgeous place!!
What a wonderful time you all had, everyone looks so happy & relaxed. Love the piccies, its so pretty over there. Mel xxx
Welcome home ny Sweet Miss Ali & thank you so much for the great pic's of our beautiful country, now you have made me even more homesick! So pleased to see you & your family had a great time.
Lyn xoxxo
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