Hello, hello after so very long. What a year already hey? Just wanted you to all know that I was still alive. I know it must have seemed as though I had dropped off the face of the earth. I am sorry that I haven't been around for ages. Lots has happened since we last spoke. The day after i announced the closure of Miss Ali's late last year, I found out I was pregnant with our fourth baby. That kind of through a spanner in the works as far as this years plans were concerned lol. I should have learned by now not to put to much weight on MY plans. I have had a very rough and crook last few months. Morning sickness this time started at 5 weeks and came with a vengence. It is only just starting to subside in the last couple of weeks thankfully. Some days i feel ok and others just awful. I have popped out earlier this pregnancy too and already look pregnant at just 15 weeks. Bub is due early August. We are very excited to welcome a new little one into our home.
I started the year home schooling my eldest, but unfortunatly it only lasted two weeks. I then decided that it was the best thing for him to go back to his old private school. It is a fantastic school and he was showing many signs of boredom. So he and our younger one were enrolled again and now i find myself sitting home, growing and doing nothing of what i had planned for this year. I have my little princess home with me and we have been enjoying our days together. She is looking forward to a baby to look after also.
I have had a lovely break from Miss Ali's and designing etc. I haven't really touched any of it since I closed the website and I must say it has been so nice to be free from the pressure of it all. When I began feeling awful I was so thankful I had closed down just in time. I am not sure if I will do anything work wise in the near future. I will see how my days unfold. For now I am enjoying just being wife and mother.
Ok well that is enough from me for this first post back. I don't want to shock any of you lol, that is if any of you still visit. I will attempt to post often and keep in touch with you all. Hoping you are all well and not being affected by the financial crisis worldwide, the floods, fires and every other disaster that seems to be present the world over. Has anyone else been thinking the world has gone mad. I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Much is said in Scripture about this very time we are in. Don't be ignorant of what is coming friends, open your bibles if you have one and see for yourselves that much of what we are seeing now has been foretold for our benefit in Scripture so that we might be prepared. Blessings to all of you who seek the God of Israel. Ali xo

Hi Ali,
It's fabulous to see you back!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy, I had my suspicions that you may be extending your family.
I too can relate to the best laid plans taking a big detour route, that's how we ended up having Miss Jessica a little quicker than we had planned, but wouldn't consider life any other way now.
Glad to hear that the boys have settled back into the school routine again.
Sarah xxx
Hi Ali
not sure if you remeber me but you designed business cards for me AGES ago!! Im glad to see all is well with you and congrats on the bub!! I am now a mummy too YAY!!!! take care lovely xxx
Hi Ali thanks for the update on your pregnancy. Great to hear that the morning sickness is subsiding.
How wonderful it will be to welcome a new baby into your lives.
Are you sure there's not two babies in there?
You're looking very healthy, glad you're finally feeling better
take care
Hi Ali ~ It's Mimi! I wondered what had happened to you! Now we all know! I hope you are feeling somewhat better and your pregnancy will get easier!
Please when you have a minute, visit my blog! I currently have a different template up on my website and after Easter will be switching back to the beautiful website you designed for me!
Take care of yourself, have a wonderful day and many hugs to you!
XOXO ~ Mimi
Hi Ali, Just popping past to say hi and WOW...look at you...a big CONGRATS coming your way! I hope that morning sickness stays away from you...I had it for the whole 9mths with Jake...yucky!!!
Siobhan :)
Hey cutie! Look at your gorgeous baby bump there, you always look so beautiful and happy, especially when you are expecting! I was wondering how you were coming along and if you are feeling horrible with morning sickness! They say the bumb shows a lot more quickly after the first so maybe with number four, it shows quicker and quicker? LOL!
Hope the kiddies are doing well in school. I am loving the routine it is teaching Leroy, he's thriving on it there, they just love routine and the stimulation they can get from a different face and different surroundings. I think most mums hear you on the many signs of boredom!
Catch up soon sweetie xo
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Life is always changing, but blessings are always there.
Hello, Congrats on the baby!! I agree that the world is in such a mess. I am so afraid of the current change in the us government. I always remind myself that God is in control even when we feel like he is not. Hugs,Angelina
Ali ~ Congratulations on the new little one! Glad you are back (And great the morning sickness is subsiding, been a long time but do remember how awful it can be)!
WOW!! How exciting!! BIG congrats to you swetie!! Our little bundle is being borning in about 4-5 weeks!!
Take care and rest up!!
Ali..Ali..Ali...I'm so excited to hear about your new little one. Congratulations to you all. I'm so thrilled and happy to hear. Please keep us updated...congrats again sweetie!! Susie...vintagesusie
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