- Precious Lily Handmade Vintage Design -
is my new logo for my handmade products.
Inspired by my little bump Lily.

Hello everyone, I have been itching to sit and blog, but being at number 100 post, I kept putting it off till I had something to use for my giveaway. I still haven't thought of anything big or amazing, but have been making some gorgeous little yo yo hair clips and thought I would show you those. If anyone would like a set, then make a comment on this post and I will draw a name out of the hat next Tues. I know they won't be everyones cup of tea, as they are probably more suited to the little princess in your life, or I guess could be worn as a brooch to spruce up a cardi or something for you. Anyway, if anyone would like to enter, then comment here, and the winner will be notified next Tues and will be offered their choice of the three sets shown below. That is it. Simple as anything.
Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

This photo shows the back of one of the clippies.
Strong alligator style, pinch and slide on, then let go.
And these tiny little ones I made for the little baby girls at TLC in Africa where my precious friend Tammy has just gone back over to a few weeks ago. TLC is a loving orphange that take in abandoned babies and looks after them and most of the time finds loving adoptive homes for them. The precious babies have black afro hair as you can imagine so I made these with black tiny clips which will be camoflage in their hair and will just be a burst of colour.