Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 Days overdue

Hello friends, well, just a quick post to let you know what is happening with this baby. I am 10 days overdue now and booked for an induction in less than an hour now. So thought I would take one last pic (with my video cam lol) as I am hoping to come home a little smaller in a few days. I had my first two boys induced and then my daughter came on her own and now number four reverting back to induction. Not sure what the go is there but at least I know the time till I meet her will be short. (hopefully). So this is me saying goodbye and hope to talk to you soon. Will do a post when I get home from Hospital with my special news and photos. We think it is a girl, but now I am starting to wonder if maybe it is a boy, late like the others. Anyway, we shall know soon. We covet your prayers as we go and face this adventure. Blessings to you all and will be in touch soon I am sure. oxox Ali


Alison Gibbs said...

Good Luck Ali.
Look forward to seeing some pics. of your new little girl - she will be such a sweetheart

Natasha Burns said...

Yikes!!! Good luck cutie pie!!!! I'll be thinking of you. Keep me on your text list like you did with Gracie, my mobile number is still the same! xoxoxo

Olive Grove Primitives said...

Good Luck, I hope everything goes well and I can't wait to see some photo's of your beautiful bundle. Thinking of you Lisa

Gail McCormack said...

Thinking of you Ali!!

xo xo

Rebecca Nelson said...

Godspeed my friend. May the had of God be with you during these beautiful pangs of childbirth.


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Good Luck Ali, i hope you now have that precious bundle in your arms. You look beautiful by the way!

Hugs Shannon :)

our shabby cottage said...

I hope, for you, that this doesn't mean a 10pound baby!!! Good luck Ali - I will be thinking of you, Kathryn. XX

Antique Rose Designs said...

Good luck Ali looking forward to some photos when you get home. Take care Carol