Hello friends and family, hoping you are all well and keeping out of mischeif. To all those of you who have been enjoying the recent dust storms, lol, how did you fare? Hopefully no body was too seriously stricken by the dust. We seemed to just cop sore throats and dry eyes. We kept the windows and doors shut when we could stand the heat as to not welcome to much into our home.
Well my little princess Rachel is 6 and a half weeks old now. Been a little bit unsettled of late, but nothing she won't get through I am sure. Bit windy is all. She is so delightful and is talking and smiling at us when we focus our attention and converstation her way. The top photo of her and I was taken a few hours ago on the web cam, but the other ones of the kids were a couple of weeks ago. She looks different to that already. Alert and strong and very aware of what is happening around her.
The two big boys are on school holidays, well one started back today actually. It has been lovely having them at home, and at Grandma and Grandads. Matty (hubby) took the two boys away for a week to a job he had in Sarina, and the eldest three have spent time off and on at my parents, so all in all a lovely relaxing holiday for everyone, especially me lol.
Ok, Rachel must have sensed i had sat down to type, as she has just woken up crying. I tell you, I can do housework, cooking or anything but sit down and she won't wake, soon as i have some ME time, she wakes up wanting my attention. Oh well, that is what it is all about isn't it. I shall enjoy the time with her this little while i have it. Ok friends, that was quicker than i had planned but it is a good excuse to come back and do another one real soon. Let you know what I have been up to in the crafty department. Much love to you all, Ali
Hello gorgeous!
Rachel is so sweet, I'm glad to hear you are both doing well! Lovely pics, you have beautiful children.
We haven't been affected too badly by the dust storm, just the car and everything outside is filthy & red & needing a good scrub! Not looking forward to cleaning everything..
lol it is funny how little ones sense when you are relaxing, whenever I get on the phone with a friend one of my boys will wake up & bug me every time without fail!! It's always the way.
Talk soon,
Sheryn xoxoxo
Hi Ali
I've been wondering how you've been going up there - lovely to catch up on your news and photos - little Rachel is a darling, as of course are the other three - you already know how I feel about that little Gracie - you must be very proud parents.
lots of love to you
Hi Ali, how gorgeous your sweet little Rachel is. They gow and change so quickly. Love the photos with your other three little poppets. How lucky you and I are - we have 2 girls 2 boys. Such a wonderful time of life.
Enjoy your gorgeous family
Hope you get some ME time here and there.
Take care
Congratulations! You have a lovely family!
What a gorgeous family you have.I too have 4 treasures and they are growing up way too fast.All the best to you
Hi Ali good to hear that you and the family are all well. She is so cute and growing so quickly. Take care Carol
Rachel is just SOOOO cute....and growing up fast! I am glad to hear that you are all well and happy and the photos of the children are just precious!
Looking forward to hearing what you are up to in the craft dept!
Have a great weekend
Glenda xxx
Hi Ali, just wanted to say congratulations and how gorgeous all your children are! You must be a very busy girl! Enjoy them while they're little as they grow up too quick! take care, Maryann
isnt she just SUPER cute!!! AAWWW totally sqeezeable!! your kids are all so gorgeous!!
they grow too quickly dont they!! Jackson is nearly 7 months!!
have a great week sweetie!
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