Just a quick post to show you my cupcakes for Gracie's party tonight. My baby turns one tomorrow. Can't believe how fast this past year has gone, and how much I could love her. She is just the sweetest natured girl i have ever met. Truly a delight. I so love being Gracies' mother and would have 10 more if I could have them just like her. Anyway, just whipped up some cute cupcakes for her little family birthday tonight. The centre one is hers and will have a little candle in the centre of the flowers. I opted for inividual cupcakes for this birthday for ease of eating etc. Everyone will get there own cake instead of a big one. Not the most creative thing I have ever done lol, but the first cupcakes i have made so not a bad first effort. I will leave the cake decorating for the experts i know that much. Not my specialty by any means. Oh well, at least i had a go and enjoyed myself while i was at it. Ok, Gracie stirring, so must tend to my big one year old now. oxoxo take care everyone please won't you. ox will post some pics of Gracie's birthday maybe tomorrow.
PS. Just quickly, i ducked out to the market this morning and found a few things. Photos to come. No amazing bargains or anything so don't get too excited lol. ox talk soon
These cupcakes look scrumptious! Let us know how the party went. Tell your little one Happy 1st Birthday, the first one is always so much fun.
Happy birthday little girl! I can't believe she is 1 already.... she was only a wee baby last time I saw her! Time flies huh?! Love the cupcakes, you have done so well!xoxo
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